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LFTN #4: Home, will air Wednesday, September 3rd on KTOO during a Juneau afternoon from 3-4 pm (AST) and then the following evening on September 4th from 7-8 pm (Subject to change if KTOO covers Rep. National Convention). Those of you on the east coast who can never seem to catch us live, tune into the 9/3 show as that slot should correlate with your dinner time, did I mention LFTN goes great with dinner and a bottle of wine?

If you can’t catch us live, visit the archive where we have all 4, yes that’s right, we finally hit our quarterly mark, it only took us 15 months, but who’s counting, anyway, if you miss it, stream the show from the archive and catch up on past shows as well.

We’re very proud of this show as it features nationally recognized contributors Ernestine Hayes and Kurt Hoelting, an interview with up and coming Juneau author Erik Boraas and new stories from familiar contributors, GInny Mahar, Evelyn Richards and Jonas Lamb


All works contained within Letters from the North broadcasts are © 2007-2008 by the individual authors as credited, all produced shows contained in the archives are © 2007-2008 Raindrop Repo. Productions